
  • Introduction

    The Engineering Institution of Zambia (EIZ) was established through an Act No. 17 of 2010 Part II Subsection 4 outlines the institution states as follows; represent, protect and assist engineering professionals with regard to their condition of practice, remunerations or otherwise. The Institution also considered the provisions of the Employment Code Act No. 3 of 2019 which aims to regulate the employment of persons and prohibit discrimination at an undertaking. These Acts therefore, give authority, to EIZ to come up with fees that should be charged for engineering services and works in Zambia for onward gazetting through a Statutory Instrument. In addition the Act in Part IV subsection 28 states as follows; the holder of a practicing certificate shall for professional services rendered charge such fees as the Minister may prescribe, by statutory instrument on the recommendation of the Engineering Institution of Zambia Council.

    This document provides both the range of services that can be provided by qualified persons working at various levels of the engineering and technical fields including professional engineers, technologists, technicians, artisans and craftspersons. The document provides a general description of the level of service that is required to meet a reasonable standard of practice. The document also provides a schedule showing the sets of tariffs of fees and that serve as a guideline to determining minimum fees and remuneration to be paid for engineering and technical services that are fair and equitable to all parties.

    Situation Analysis

    For many years, the recommended charge out fees for professional services has not been actualized, hence the engineering professionals have had to sometimes faced challenges when negotiating contracts, either for employment or other professional engagements. Needless to say this usually ends in many professionals be disadvantaged economically. Further, it is a big challenge for the general public to obtain recourse when a contractor delivers substandard works.


    The objectives of these guidelines are to:

    (i) Provide a schedule of minimum charge out fees for engineering professional engaged in delivering engineering service at any level from consultant Engineer to craft person and artisans in Zambia.

    (ii) Provide a list of works or documentations that must be certified/signed by recommended levels of registered practitioners for them to have legal effect or be accepted by public companies, insurance companies, government departments, etc.

    (iii) Provide a list of stakeholders that must be informed about these fees and guidelines and what is expected of them when dealing with issues of contracting engineering services.

    The EIZ intends to introduce Charge Out Rates for engineering professionals. The EIZ is currently undertaking a Regulatory Impact Assessment on the same and part of this process now invites stakeholder comments on the same. The draft Charget Out Rates are available under support document.


Affected Sector(s) and Expected Impact

  • Construction
  • Engineering 

Specific Instructions:

Offline Consultations:

  • Stakeholders will be informed of other consultations in due course.
