Agency Zambia Environmental Management Agency
Period Mar 07 2024 TO Mar 31 2024
Status Closed
Industry Agriculture

The Zambia Environmental Management Agency (ZEMA) was established under the Environmental Management Act (EMA) No. 12 of 2011, to protect the environment, control pollution and protect the health and welfare of persons, animals and plants. The Zambia Environmental Management Amendment Act No. 8 of 2023 amended the principal Act of 2011 to revise the functions of the Zambia Environmental Management Agency, provide for the registration of pesticides or toxic substances and revises the provision on summary imposition of penalties. To effectively operationalize the amendment Act, manufacturers, importers and exporters of pesticides and toxic substances need to be licenced. This requirement will enable the Authority to mitigate the identified challenges which include;

  1. The proliferation and improper use of pesticides leading to environmental contamination, which has affected soils, water bodies and non-target organisms.
  2. Increased exposure to high risks due to incorrectly handling, protection and disposal of the excess and expired pesticides and their used containers.
  3. The increased usage of pesticides has also triggered risks of trading of counterfeit products which are potentially harmful pesticides that may result in poisoning, destabilization of the entire ecosystem and damage to the environment.

To address the challenges, it's necessary to establish systems for regulating the sale and use of pesticides in Zambia. These regulations will ensure that a pesticide is effective and safe for its intended use, without posing risks to human, animal health, or the environment. The rules will outline criteria, requirements, and procedures for registration, including the creation of a database to track counterfeit pesticides. Registration will help identify stakeholders for awareness campaigns on safe handling and storage, reducing pesticide poisoning and government costs for pollution mitigation. The regulations will also align with international best practices from FAO and WHO guidelines.

The Authority, therefore, invites comments from stakeholders on the proposed regulations. The draft regulation is attached in the supporting documents section of this notification.


ZEMA is currently undertaking staekholder consultative meetings in various parts of the Country. You will contact them directly to learn more about offline consultations.

  • Name: Zambia Environmental Management Agency
  • Zambia Environmental Management Agency
  • Fax:
  • Address: Corner Church and Suez Roads Plot No. 6975, Lusaka 10101
  • Telephone: 0211 254 023
  • Email:
  • Website:
  • Working Hours: Mon - Fri : 0800 - 1700 Sun : Closed


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